Interview with Prajya Sharma, founder of We Rise, a not-for-profit that strives to achieve Gender Equality by empowering youth to stand up and lead the movement for Planet 50-50.
By Naomi Menezes
Interview with Prajya Sharma, founder of We Rise, a not-for-profit that strives to achieve Gender Equality by empowering youth to stand up and lead the movement for Planet 50-50.
By Naomi Menezes
Interview with Rinsa Perapadan, a graduate from University of Mumbai’s Social Work program, who along with a few friends co-founded Gyanada Foundation – a not-for-profit that creates better educational opportunities for Indian girls from disadvantaged backgrounds.
By Naomi Menezes
Interview with Morgan Koegel, the CEO of One Girl, a not-for-profit focussed on girls’ education in the developing world.
Interview with Hayley Dunne, the Founder and Director of Little Delish, which donates 50% of profits to the Australian charity One Girl.
Interview with Renee Wootton, Graduate Aerospace Engineer, and passionate feminist.
Interview with Kate Marchesi, the co-founder and President of Young Queenslanders for the Right to Choose, advocating for bodily autonomy.
Interview with Tamara Richardson, an appointed Student Associate of the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Chair in Intercultural and Interreligious Relations, Asia Pacific, as well as the founder of youth-led platform, PACE 48 (Promoting Access to Cultural Education, Asia Pacific)
Interview with Aimee Hourigan, impact producer at TheStoryBoxes, a storytelling production studio based in Brisbane and Sydney.
Interview with Kate Marsh, the Communications Coordinator for Children by Choice, and the founder of Pro Choice Queensland.